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Inovação Tecnológica nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas

Nível: Doutorado
Obrigatória: Não
Carga Horária: 48
Créditos: 4.0


Compreender a dinâmica da inovação no contexto da nova economia, em especial no âmbito das micro e pequenas empresas (MPE). Analisar estratégias baseadas em inovação como instrumento competitivo para MPE nos mercados atuais. Definir as várias modalidades e tipologias da inovação, conceituando-as em termos de intensidade, ritmo e objeto focal. Refletir sobre relações entre inovação, aprendizagem organizacional, capital intelectual, capital humano e conhecimento organizacional. Estudar modelos e sistemas em apoio ao gerenciamento da inovação, contextualizados à realidade das MPE. Compreender a importância da dimensão psicossocial da empresa e dos elementos organizacionais associados aos processos de inovação. Discutir alternativas para viabilizar a inovação como meio para sustentabilidade empresarial das MPE.


Azevedo, A. M. M., Mazzoni, M. O., Silveira, M. A. Academic Research in Technology Innovation Management and Related Thematic Areas in Brazil. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 2013, v.8, p.271 - 284.
Becker, S O; Egger, P H. Endogenous product versus process innovation and a firm's propensity to export. Empirical Economics, v.44, n.1, p.329-354, 2013.
Bianchi, M.; Frattini, F.; Lejarraga, J.; Minim, A. Technology Exploitation Paths: Combining Technological and Complementary Resources in New Product Development and Licensing. Journal of Product Innovation Management, v.31, n.S1, p.146-169, 2014.
Cainelli, G.; Mazzanti, M. Environmental innovations in services: Manufacturing-services integration and policy transmissions. Research Policy, v.42, n.9, p.1595-1604, 2013.
Chae, B. An evolutionary framework for service innovation: Insights of complexity theory for service science. International Journal of Production Economics, v.135, n.2, p.813-822, 2012.
Chenavaz, R. Dynamic pricing, product and process innovation.European Journal of Operational Research, v.222, n.3, p.553-557, 2012.
Dias, A.A.; Porto, G.S.. Um estudo longitudinal da gestão da inovação nas empresas do arranjo produtivo local de equipamentos médicos, hospitalares e odontológicos de Ribeirão Preto. RAI, v. 8, n. 1, p. 92-121, jan./mar. 2011.
García-Morales, V.J.; Jiménez-Barrionuevo, M.M.; Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, L. Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation. Journal of Business Research, v.65, n.7, p.1040-1050, 2012.
Gunday, G; Ulusoy, G; Kilic, K; Alpkan, L. Effects of innovation types on firm performance. International Journal of Production Economics, v.133, n.2, p.662-676, 2011.
Hallstedt, S.I.; Thompson, A.W.; Lindahl, P. Key elements for implementing a strategic sustainability perspective in the product innovation process. Journal of Cleaner Production, v.51, n.1, p.277-288, 2013.
Jimenez-Jimenez, D; Sanz-Valle, R. Innovation, organizational learning, and performance. Journal of Business Research, v.64, n.4, p.408-417, 2011.
Kashan, A.J.; Mohannak, K. An empirical study of capability development within product innovation projects. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, v.10, p.70 – 82, 2015.
Lunardi, G.L.; Dolci, P.C.; Maçada, A.C.G.. Adoção de tecnologia de informação e seu impacto no desempenho organizacional: Um estudo realizado com micro e pequenas empresas. Revista Administração, v. 45, n. 1, p. 05-17, jan/fev/mar, 2010.
Maes, J.; Sels, L. SMEs’ radical product innovation: the role of internally and externally oriented knowledge capabilities. Journal of Small Business Management, v.52, n.1, p.141–163, 2014.
Manral, L. Managerial cognition as bases of innovation in organization. Management Research Review, v.34, n.5, p.576-594, 2011.
Moon, H.; Park, J.; Kim, S. The Importance of an Innovative Product Design on Customer Behavior: Development and Validation of a Scale. Journal of Product Innovation Management, v.32, n.2, p.224-232, 2015.
Noruzy, A; Dalfard, V M; Azhdari, B; Nazari-Shirkouhi, S; Rezazadeh, A. Relations between transformational leadership, organizational learning, knowledge management, organizational innovation, and organizational performance: an empirical investigation of manufacturing firms. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v.64, n.5, p.1073-1086, 2013.
O'Cass, A ; Song, M ; Yuan, L. Anatomy of of service innovation: Introduction to the special issue. Journal Of Business Research, v.66, n.8, p.1060-1062, 2013.
Oliveira, A.L.; Rezende, D.C.; Carvalho, C.C.. Redes interorganizacionais horizontais vistas como sistemas adaptativos complexos coevolutivos: O caso de uma rede de supermercados. Revista Administração Contemporânea, Curitiba, v.15, n.1 Curitiba jan./fev. 2011.
Pereira, C.A., Fujino, A., Silveira, M. A. Technological innovation in the sector of electrical equipment: Analysis of trends in Latin America. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, v.8, p.140 – 149, 2013.
Plambeck, N. The development of new products: The role of firm context and managerial cognition. Journal of Business Venturing, v.27, n.6, p.607-621, 2012.
Radu, L. D.. Technological Innovation Management and its Role in Performance of Organizations. Acta Universitatis Danubius: Economica, v.8, n.5, p.95-103, 2012.
Rasmussen, E.; Moller, J.; Servais, P.. The impact of internationalization on small firm’s’choice of location and propensity for relocation. Journal of Business and Enterprise Development. v. 18, n. 3, p. 457-474, 2011.
Rodriguez, M J ; Guzman, C. Innovation in social economy firms. Management Decision, v.51, n.5, p.986-998, 2013.
Rubalcaba, L; Michel, S; Sundbo, J; Brown, SW; Reynoso, J. Shaping, organizing, and rethinking service innovation: a multidimensional framework. Journal of Service Management, v.23, n.5, p.696-715, 2012.
Santos Silva L. C, J.; Kovaleski L, Gaia S.; P. Andrade Júnior P. Management Innovation in Brazilian Technology Companies: The Challenges Faced by Managers in the Practice of Innovation. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, v.2, n.4, p. 160-165, 2012.
Silveira, M. A. Strategic Management of Innovation Towards Sustainable Development of Brazilian Electronics Industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, v.8, p.174-183, 2013.
Sorli, M; Stokic, D. Future trends in product/process innovation. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, v.8, n.4, p.577-599, 2011.
Tidd, J.; Bessant, J.; Pavitt, K. Managing innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
Wooder, S; Baker, S. Extracting Key Lessons in Service Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, v.29, n.1, p.13-20, 2012.
Yu, Y; Dong, XY; Shen, KN; Khalifa, M ; Hao, JX. Strategies, technologies, and organizational learning for developing organizational innovativeness in emerging economies. Journal of Business Research, v.66, n.12, p.2507-2514, 2013.
Zedtwits, M.; Corsi, S.; Soberg, P. V.; Frega, R. A Typology of Reverse Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, v.32, n.1, p.12-28, 2015.